In the Garden of Eden, Yahweh set forth the pattern for all mankind. It is not just the account of what happened between the first man and woman and Yahweh God, but was a MOST important type of what would take place throughout the history of flesh man, revealing the relationship of the man and the woman, which is parallel to Yahweh God and man.

In the May 14, 2010, Remnant Bride radio program titled, “Being Like God—Determining Good and Evil,” we addressed this clear parallel between the woman’s relationship to her husband, and mankind’s relationship to Yahweh. We noted that mankind was being represented by the woman when Satan went specifically to her to tempt her, and thereupon caused the man to fail and fall. Both the woman and mankind are alike in that they are in the position of the created, the weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7), the one who is quite deceived (1 Timothy 2:14), who seeks to be equal with their ordained head, and desires those things that are temporal and vain. On the other hand, the man and Yahweh are not deceived (1 Timothy 2:14), have the right to rule (Genesis 3:16, 1 Corinthians 11:3), and are to be obeyed. Therefore, the means of protection and blessing for the woman is to submit to her husband “in everything” (Ephesians 5:24), even as the means of protection and blessing for mankind is to submit to God in everything.  

The woman submitting to her husband in everything


Mankind submitting to Yahweh God in everything

Quite simply, if the woman had submitted to her husband in the Garden and not sought to do her own will, then the Garden, with Yahweh’s presence, would have remained perfect. All she had to do was to obey, to submit to and seek the will of her head. It was just that simple. And, this is what mankind must equally do in relationship to Yahweh God.

This state of the woman being the weaker vessel who is easily deceived is gravely evidenced today in a host of ways, which will be the focus of this writing. In the Garden, Satan approached the woman with the temptation: “For God knows that in the day you eat from [the tree of the knowledge of good and evil] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:5). Not only was this Eve’s temptation, but it remains the temptation of women today—their desire to be equal to the one who is to govern over them, and the right to determine for themselves what is right and wrong, securing their own willful destiny. This iniquity that Eve evidenced, thereupon became the curse for all women: “Your desire will be for the place of your husband …” (Genesis 3:16). (To examine “for the place of,” read Divorce, Women, and the Curse of 1920, page 2.)

But the righteous and obedient woman will not willfully claim with Eveonian feminists, “I have my rights,” but will proclaim in truth and wisdom and honor, “I have my place.” Women need to know how to possess their feminine vessels, as Paul stated, “in sanctification and honor” (1 Thessalonians 4:4). In exemplary testimony to this, Yahshua was faithful at His first coming in a feminine role as a servant: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45), and He did nothing but the will of the Father (John 5:19). In this role He was an example to every woman as to her right behavior, attitude, and place. This feminine role that Yahshua occupied is in contrast to His male role that is to come, whereupon He will have the right to rule when He returns as Immanuel. (For more regarding this, read Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory, page 3.)

When Eve listened to the voice of Satan, we read concerning her wrong response: “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate” (Genesis 3:6). Here again we see the temptation and weakness of mankind, evidenced by the temptation and weakness of the woman.

Thus we see that the woman listened to Satan, and the man listened to the woman. Because he listened to her, Yahweh rebuked him, saying, “Because you have listened to the voice of your woman/wife …,” and thereupon cursed the ground for doing so, causing it to bring forth thorns and thistles to afflict him (Genesis 3:17). This is the course of failure and curse taking place today whereby men have listened to the voice of women and unlawfully given them the rights of governance, becoming equal to men.

The error and destructive effects of this are now tragically evident in society, even as in the original Garden. Because men have once again listened to the voice of women, now to the Eveonian feminists, thorns and thistles have come forth that have sorely afflicted men—in the home, at their work, in the schools, in the church, in the courthouse, in feminized excessive and intrusive government ruling over them, and in the destruction of the financial stability of nations that have become overburdened and bankrupt-bound nanny states.

If women had never been given the right to vote or to be involved in governance, these massive far-reaching problems would not exist today. They are a direct product of women involved in government, altering it to an unnatural hermaphroditic state. Men are not perfect, but they alone possess the rights to rule and form government, not women; and those rights have been violated and wrongfully deferred. (It is highly recommended you order and read the book, The Curse of 1920, which addresses this more fully.)

In this posting, we will begin to examine some of the ways in which women are failing in such a shameful and destructive manner. Someone may object, “You’re focusing too much on the role of the woman in our corruption.” I believe you will see that there is not only vastly sufficient cause to address the role of women in this corruption, but if we failed to give our attention to this we would be both irresponsible and willfully ignorant of the facts, turning a blind eye to reality, and denying ourselves of the solution. Also, because feminism’s destruction is so VAST and pervasive, it demands that this response be written with complete frankness. Furthermore, keep in mind that this examination looks at the big picture of society as a whole, not at the lives of individuals or even the relatively small groups that are the unique exception to society’s ill and destructive fate. Praise Yahweh for those women who remain a testimony of what a godly woman truly is. For you, may you be effectually influential as set forth in Titus 2:3-5:

Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.

Only one-hundred years after the church began, Tertullian wrote, warning women: “You are the devil’s gateway; you are the unsealer of that forbidden tree; you are the first deserter of the divine law; you are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God’s image—man.” Tertullian was simply expounding on what the Scriptures equally say: “For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression” (1 Timothy 2:13-14).

Insomuch that the woman was indeed the gateway to the destruction of the Garden and the fall of man, without a doubt she is the same gateway to the destruction of society today. The facts sorely evidence this. The woman was the first to effect the abomination that makes desolate, as she stood in the place of the Holy One (Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14), determining for herself what was good and what was evil, and thereupon desolated the Garden. Today is no different. Women’s abominable acts continue to desolate, as it is written:

“Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him. O My people! Their oppressors are children, and women rule over them. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray and confuse the direction of your paths” (Isaiah 3:11-12).

Let us consider what the Scriptures further speak regarding the woman. We are told that she brought about the corruption of the Garden and the fall of man; that she is the one who is quite deceived (1 Timothy 2:14); that she is the weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7); that she is cursed to desire the place of the man (Genesis 3:16); that the man was rebuked by God for listening to her (Genesis 3:17); that she is not allowed to teach but is to remain silent (1 Timothy 2:12); that she is forbidden to exercise the authority of a man (1 Timothy 2:12); that the husband is, of necessity, instructed to be patient with her (1 Peter 3:7); that he is equally told, with reason, not to be embittered against her but to love her (Colossians 3:19); that among a thousand men, one is found faithful, but among a thousand women, there is not one (Ecclesiastes 7:28 [Solomon would know, for he had a thousand wives and concubines]); that there is over twice as much instruction in the New Testament, and is primarily corrective, relative to the woman, as there is to the man; and as we just read, confusion that leads astray comes when women rule over us.

With all of this glaring evidence from the Scriptures, is it not most obvious that women today would be the ones leading the way in doing wrong? Quite so! And again, this is to our destruction. Thus, one must ask: With the world in such a deplorable state, what specifically is the woman’s part in it? Given what we have considered thus far, this is a totally appropriate, wise, and discerning question.

We will now begin to examine some of the ways in which women are failing, first considering the matter of women’s clothing. Why women’s clothing? It is quite fitting that we start with this, for the first consequence of Eve’s sin was this matter of nakedness and how to cover it. Thus, the fact that women are once again uncovering their nakedness alarmingly speaks.

Also, if we see that women are failing miserably in this area of personal responsibility, leading others into sin and error, then why should we trust that they are responsible in governance? Men do not, in large, dress immodestly, as do women; nor do they wear women’s clothing, as women wear men’s clothing—cross-dressing. The fact is, women cannot be in governance, for it is not their God-given responsibility. Keep in mind, when the woman became the gateway to the destruction of the Garden and mankind, Yahweh’s solution was: “and he [the husband, the man] will rule over you” (Genesis 3:16). Additionally, we address this matter of women’s clothing so as to give DESPERATELY needed instruction to women regarding it.

Most would ask, “So what’s wrong with the way women dress today? It’s just a style.” This is definitely a grave error to so naively think. A woman’s clothing is not just irrelevant style, for it is entirely spiritual by its very nature. Clothing is no more irrelevant than how we use our body is irrelevant. No, we are told that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), and that we are to learn how to occupy it in sanctification and honor (1 Thessalonians 4:4). A woman’s clothing is profoundly spiritual, both in purpose and in testimony. It is spiritual in purpose in that, most significantly, it is a substitutionary covering, occupying the place of the glory of God that covered man before the fall. You can read more about this in Coverings, chapter 3. It is spiritual in testimony in that it tells others whether the woman is seeking after righteousness or seeking after this world, whether her hope is above or earthly, whether she seeks the temporal or the eternal.

I was in a store recently and saw an elderly woman wearing a full-length modest dress, and her long hair was neatly placed upon her head. It is my practice to compliment women who are so appropriately dressedshamefully, a compliment I rarely have the opportunity to bestowand I told her that I admired her modest dress. Her immediate reply revealed a depth of welcomed truth, a reply all women should hold so dear in their hearts. Her simple answer was that her dress was appropriate, and she then quoted, “Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16). So, does a long modest dress make a woman holy? Of course not. But, a woman making a claim to holiness must evidence it by her modest and obedient dress. Just as this modestly dressed woman quickly and correctly invoked, ladies, “Be ye holy; for Yahweh is holy.”

Furthermore, not only is modest clothing essential to a woman making a claim to holiness, but this is clearly instructed in the Scriptures. In a more literal translation of 1 Peter 3:3, women are specifically instructed, “Let not your behavior be the external plaiting of the hair and putting on gold jewelry or putting on worldly garments.” Unfortunately, this passage, found in second Remnant Peter, was not added to the list of verses addressing worldliness in “Rightly Dividing the Word: The Deception of Worldliness.” The reason is that the word, “worldly,” is incorrectly translated “adornment.” In fact, it is always translated “world” in every other case—one hundred and eighty-five times. The Greek word used here is equally “kosmos”; and as with Peter’s other like passages, this passage specifically instructs women to not allow the world to influence their clothing. If this was a caution at that time, it is all the more relevant today—because of the absolute corruption of women’s clothing, and because the message is more specific to us, the obedient second Remnant.

In addition, in 1 Timothy 2:9-10, women are equally instructed: I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with plaited hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.” First, the word “proper” is the same Greek word used in the next chapter to describe the character required of the overseer of a congregation: “An overseer, then, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, prudent, respectable/proper, hospitable …” (1 Timothy 3:2). Ladies, does your clothing match the high moral standard consistent with a spiritual overseer? Furthermore, what kind of clothing is befitting a woman making a claim to godliness? It is most certainly not the worldly clothing of women today. Gratefully and affirmingly, the answer to this is specifically set forth in this verse.

The Greek word used here for “clothing” is “katastole.” This is not a general word for all clothing, but is specific to the woman’s outer garment. “Katastole” is comprised of two words—kata and stole. “Stole” is the same word used in Revelation 7:9, 13, and 14, where we find a great multitude “standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes [stole]. … These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes [stole] and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” According to Strong’s Concordance, the “stole” is a “long fitting gown (as a mark of dignity): long clothing (garment), (long) robe.” It is in fact a long robe that provides a covering consistent with righteousness so as to be able to stand before the throne of God. Ladies, how can you dress in any less measure today if you make a claim to righteousness?

So what is “kata”? It is a word that actually makes “stole” even more intensive, emphasizing that the woman’s clothing is to completely cover her. Thayer defines katastole as “a lowering, letting down; a garment let down.” In other words, it is specifically a long, full-length garment. This emphasis is then further strengthened by the descriptive words—“modestly and discretely.” Therefore, this passage more fully and accurately reads: I want women to adorn themselves with proper full-length clothing that completely covers them, both modestly and discreetly.”

The Scriptures leave no question as to what Yahweh God expects regarding clothing for any woman who seeks godliness. They expressly state that she is to wear a long, simple, inexpensive dress that completely covers her, concealing her form, and does not conform to the world. The only question remaining here is: For what reason, ladies, would you not obey? If clothing is indeed spiritual in nature and purpose as the replacement covering for Yahweh God’s glory, if Yahweh God personally made more complete and acceptable garments for Adam and Eve when theirs were insufficient, and if a woman’s proper clothing is specifically set forth in the Scriptures, then how can your obedience in this matter be ignored? There is no other option here, other than compromise, worldliness, and sin—repeating the Garden.

The early church writer, Tertullian, also instructed women that when going among former friends or those of esteem, they were to continue to dress humbly and modestly as was their practice since their conversion, “so that between the handmaids of God and of the devil, there may be a difference; so that you may be an example to them, and they may be edified in you; so that as the apostle says, ‘God may be magnified in your body.’ But magnified He is in the body through modesty; of course, too, through attire suitable to modesty.“

Tertullian then urged women to put away the immodest clothing they wore before conversion which was according to this world. However, women today making a claim to righteousness continually wear this shameful worldly clothing. Ladies, look at how women dressed prior to the Curse of 1920, even going all the way back to Yahshua, and you will see your own shameful departure from that which “is proper for women making a claim to godliness.” Tertullian further challenged women concerning this humility upon conversion: “Will you fear to appear poorer, from the time that you have been made more wealthy [spiritually]; and fouler, from the time when you have been made more clean?”

Women’s clothing today has changed dramatically since the Curse of 1920, entirely for the worse, and would be both shocking and appalling to anyone who lived prior to 1920. This should tell you how aberrant, shamefully immodest, and even cross-gendering women’s clothing is today, and should be entirely rejected. How can one look at the absolute moral failure and demise of society in so many ways since 1920, and regard the shameful changes in women’s clothing as exempt from the same demise?

Look at how drugs have vastly increased.
Look at how abortions have vastly increased.
Look at how pornography has vastly increased.
The changes in women’s clothing are no different!

Look at how pervasive shameful immodesty has become.
Look at how the family has increasingly been destroyed.
Look at how music has increasingly been corrupted.
The changes in women’s clothing are no different!

Look at how crudeness has increased.
Look at how homosexuality has increased.
Look at how television and movies and entertainment have increasingly been corrupted, exponentially adding to that corruption the advent of the internet.
The changes in women’s clothing are no different!

Nations are being destroyed by ever-increasing pervasive feminism.
Women have received the right to vote and demand their equality with men.
The Garden of Eden is being corrupted once again.
The changes in women’s clothing are no different!

It is highly revealing to examine all of these destructive changes in society and realize that the abandonment of modest feminine clothing by women is no different—it is equally one of the destructive problems. The depravity of women’s clothing in the abandonment of modesty and feminine appearance, directly correlates with the vast amount of corruptness and error that has taken place in the last one hundred years.

Where society has gone astray, women’s clothing has gone hand in hand with it. Women are wearing the man’s pants, even wearing tight pants that are low cut. Women are wearing skimpy swim suits (which are all of women’s swim suits) and shorts and short skirts and tight clothing and tops that are openly revealing and sensually provocative. Christian women think they can dress the way of the world, yet shun being a lesbian or killing babies or looking at porn, when their clothing is cut from the same piece of cloth. But sadly, one cannot compare women in contrast today with men who cross-dress, for women en masse do the same already—dressing like a man. You do not see men clamoring to put on dresses. Women think themselves immune from being compared with all these other gross excesses when it comes to clothing, and they dress like the world with one justification—everybody does it. Yes, and you join everybody in the demise of this world, and the kingdom as well. As Paul wrote, you measure yourselves by yourselves and compare yourselves with yourselves, and for this reason you are without understanding (2 Corinthians 10:12).

Ladies, your manner of dress is no different from all the other destructive changes that have come about over the last one hundred years. These destructive moral departures include the manner in which you have so obviously compromised your clothing. Like Eve, you have removed the covering that you once had and have all the more chosen nakedness. You reject the covering of the husband and want to be like him, evidenced by the way you have uncovered your body and taken on the appearance of the man. Your dress evidences your deceitful heart (Jeremiah 17:9), and today the testimony is shockingly revealing in more ways than one. Your dress proves what you really are, looking all the way back to the Garden—your desire is for this world and not for Yahweh God’s government and righteousness and His kingdom which is above. Where is your shame?

Every woman is going to give a clear statement as to who she is, what she believes, who is her God, what is her focus, and what is her destination. When she dresses immodestly like the world, she tells everyone that she is of this world, thereby an enemy of God (James 4:4), that her desire is for the world, and she is even a harlot. When she dresses like a man, in his pants, and cuts her hair short like a man, she tells everyone that she is fulfilling the curse on the woman and is desiring the place of the man: “Yet your desire will be for the place of your husband …” (Genesis 3:16).

When she unclothes herself, showing the extremities of her body—the legs, the chest—she tells everyone that she does not want to receive the covering of glory that completely clothed her nakedness in the Garden before she led the man and the world into sin. When she unclothes herself, she is saying, “Behold, I am Eve! When she dresses immodestly and accentuates the form of her body with tight clothing, she tells everyone that she is having relations with the world and is an adulteress with every man who looks upon her form. Women today dress like prostitutes, and have relations with men by inviting them to lust. When she dresses immodestly and does not cover her head, she tells everyone that the Scriptures mean nothing and should be ignored and dismissed. Anytime someone is showing more flesh, either in uncovering it or in revealing its form, they simply attest that they are living according to the flesh. Flesh reveals flesh! Flesh reveals the corrupt flesh nature. The more flesh you show, the more fleshly you are.

Ladies, you are told to evidence “a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God” (1 Peter 3:3-4), and to win any disbelieving husband “without a word by [your] behavior” (1 Peter 3:1). While you may be instructed to be careful with your speech and do not have the right to teach or to preach; I assure you, in today’s world if you dress according to the Scriptures with true modesty, you will loudly declare profound and accurate truth equally without saying a word. The fact is, we will either live by principles, or we will live by compromise; and today is the day to live by principles that are founded on God’s word.

It is indeed true that to desire righteousness is immensely valuable; but, it is thereby also very costly. For anyone, and moreso for a woman who goes into the public, it is and should be with cost. If we fit into the world, then something is terribly wrong with our walk! If we look for the world’s approval and admiration (maybe, add-mire-ation), our focus and purpose is completely misplaced. If we are conforming to this world, we are not seeking righteousness. If we live for that which is below, we will not receive that which is above.

On the other hand, if we do not conform to the world’s image and experience persecution or rejection, then as it is written in 1 Peter 2:19, we find favor with God and it will be to our gain. We should all prefer and be willing to pay the price for the eternal gain, which comparatively is a small price to pay (2 Corinthians 4:17). Even as Yahshua declared, so should our lives evidence if necessary:

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you” [John 15:18-19].

Are you willing to live this today and pay the price, refusing to compromise and obediently live your life by higher convictions, not conforming to this world? Ladies, will you join with that elderly lady whom I complimented and declare by your clothing, “Be ye holy, for I am holy”? Will you fulfill what the Scriptures instruct and cover yourselves with proper, simple clothing that completely covers you both modestly and discretely? Will you join the righteous women of old and clothe yourselves “as is proper for women making a claim to godliness”? Or, will you continue being an Eve and eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and, as Tertullian wrote, be Satan’s gateway?

In the next posting, we will examine the subject of women’s makeup, and what another early church writer called “lying color.” Ladies, if you want to be joined to that which is above, then it is time to be clearly different from this world. It is your choice, and there is only one option that is acceptable to Yahweh:

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever [1 John 2:16-17].


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