Image: Moses at the burning bush at Mount Sinai
In May, 2000, a writing was posted on the Remnant Bride web site that sparked a noteworthy response, and has been core to the understanding and teachings of the Bride ever since. That article was The Signs That Cause Belief. It is truly incredible truth. In fact, it was the one writing that Satan made a direct effort to cause me to not publish. Once I realized that it was him, I understood why he did not want it out—it was the first ever evidenced and clearly stated conclusion that Satan was the head of Christianity. He was exposed!
This is the writing where Satan’s image is revealed on the continent of Africa, and ties it to Christianity. And as indicated by its title, it addresses the signs that were performed at the burning bush at Horeb/Sinai that were to be performed by Moses to cause belief when he went into Egypt to deliver His people. Now, nine years later, this writing will readdress those signs, bringing out even more revealing truth that you will find to be most hopeful and timely.
As we read in Exodus 4:1-9, there were three signs that Yahweh said Moses was to perform to cause belief. First was the rod that was cast to the earth and became a serpent, then picked up and it turned back into a rod. The second was the hand going into the bosom, and coming out leprous, then placed back into the bosom, and coming out restored. Yahweh told Moses that if he performed those two signs, the people and Pharaoh would believe. However, if they did not, the third sign was to be performed—water taken from the Nile was to be poured out on dry ground, and would become blood. These signs Yahweh declared and/or performed at Mount Sinai.
In the last posting, what did we learn and examine about Mount Sinai? That it testifies of Pentecost. Yahweh could have met Moses anywhere to perform those signs. Why did He meet him specifically at the place where Pentecost would be fulfilled and perform them? Obviously, He was testifying of Pentecost and what it would effect. Thereby, the fulfillment of these signs today would relate specifically to Pentecost! As Yahweh stated in Exodus 3:12, “this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain [Sinai].” In other words, He will fulfill Pentecost; and thereupon, people will believe and know that this is from Yahweh.
Do you believe that those signs that were to cause belief were just for that time and those specific events? This cannot be, any more than Pentecost at Sinai was relative just to that time and those events. Pentecost, 2,000 years ago, has proven this. Everything that is recorded in the Old Testament was a living prophecy, a type and shadow of that which would take place, particularly in the church, the kingdom of heaven. We already see that Sinai speaks of and reveals Pentecost; therefore, these signs will be fulfilled relative to Pentecost as well. How so? Let us see.
In the May, 2000, writing, I noted that the rod turning into a serpent was relative to Christianity. Exactly how that transition took place, I did not know at the time. Also, regarding the hand in the bosom, I noted that this spoke of the two Remnants. Again this was correct, but was in fact a general truth as well.
Regarding the water from the Nile River, it is most interesting that in that writing, the ninth and final section titled, “Blood On the Ground,” did not address this third sign at all. The two preceding signs were addressed, but when it came to this section, in order to expedite the writing, I deferred to a later time, stating: “The third and remaining sign will in time be addressed (Yahweh willing).” It was appropriate that I did not write on this, insomuch that, frankly, as I knew at the time, I did not have enough of the picture to do so. Now, nine years later, it looks like Yahweh is indeed willing for me to add this information. Only now am I seeing more clearly what these signs speak to us today, and it is quite hopeful.
We will begin by addressing further these first two signs. The first sign of the rod being cast down to the earth, turning into a serpent, and picked up to turn back into a rod, has been addressed quite extensively in recent writings and radio programs. The fulfillment is clear. Yahshua, the Rod, came to this earth early to die as the Lamb of God, beginning the church, the restored Garden, the kingdom of heaven. But it was not time for Him to reign, so He left, returned back to heaven, and thereby His office was cast down to the earth and became a serpent—Satan, who has ruled over Christianity for 2,000 years.
So what remains in this sign that is needed in order to cause belief now? The serpent must turn back into the Rod. Satan must lose his rights, and that office go back to a man—the Elijah, who prepares the way for Immanuel, God with us. Only now, at its completion, can this promised sign cause belief.
There is no question that in order for people to believe so as to be delivered from Egypt, requires that this man be vindicated and walk out the remaining three and a half years of the covenant with the many that belong to Elijah. What is Egypt? Egypt is Christianity, where Satan has ruled for 2,000 years. This is addressed in All’s Well That Ends Well, page 2. For the Bride to come out of the body of Christ equally requires belief, and the first sign that will cause them to believe is for the Elijah to walk in the authority of the office of the Son of God, the Rod.
Today, the serpent must turn back into the Rod. This is the first sign that will cause belief, and is the very thing we hope to see fulfilled just before or at Tabernacles Pentecost, April 3. Remember, Trumpets, October 16, 2008, and Tabernacles, October 30, attested to my identification with Satan and him being locked out. We now need the awaited conclusion to those testimonies—the serpent turning back into the Rod.
Now for some MOST interesting and revealing information. This covenant with the many is precisely what we see testified in Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2. What is the covenant with the many? It is the promise of the Messiah, the anointed—Yahshua. This is evidenced in Daniel 9:25-27 where, clearly stated, the subject of this covenant is Messiah the Prince. The final seven years of the seventy sevens is this promise of the Messiah, which means anointed. However, we also know that He came in the middle of that seven-year covenant and used up/walked out only half of it—the final three and a half years. Therefore, of course, there are three and a half years remaining that are unused, unfulfilled!
This testimony of Elijah and Elisha is highly confirming regarding what the Bride has seen and taught. What is the meaning of the name “Elijah”? It means “God, Yahweh.” What is the meaning of the name “Elisha”? It means “God, savior.” So what do we see when we put Eli-yah and Eli-shua together? We see “God, Yahweh savior.” And, most importantly, we see “God, Yah-shua.” The union of these two testifies to Yahshua.
When Eli-yah and Eli-shua were walking along together east of the Jordan, they were separated by a chariot of fire and horses of fire. Yah-shua was thereby divided. Is that not what has happened to the covenant with the many? Precisely! The covenant of Yahshua the Messiah, the anointed, was equally divided. As attested by Elijah and Elisha in 2 Kings 2, the split covenant is indeed Yah-shua, His office, even the anointing. This split covenant is clearly identified by splitting Yahshua’s name in these split prophets. And what divides/splits the two parts of this covenant? That which is testified with Elijah and Elisha: the breach caused by the chariot of fire and horses of fire—the body of Christ, Christianity.
Therefore, in order for the work of the anointed to be complete, in order for the remaining three and a half years of the covenant with the many to be fulfilled, there must be the fulfillment of the Elisha portion that operates by virtue of the mantle of Elijah. The mantle of Eli-yah on Eli-shua unites the two so as to become one, to become Yahshua. Remember, John the Baptist, who had the spirit of Elijah, identified to whom those remaining three and a half years belong—Elijah. Also, the promise to this fulfilling “shua” work is a double portion of the preceding “yah” work. This is indeed quite hopeful! It indicates that Elijah will have a double portion of the Spirit that Yahshua had, double His works (as did Elisha). Remember, this is a covenant relative to the anointed, and this anointing is precisely what must take place today in order to fulfill this promised work.
Regarding Satan, remember also that when Yahshua ascended into heaven, He left this earth, and His office had to be given to another—to Satan, the promised twelfth apostle (John 6:70). Thus, even as Elijah ascended alive into heaven and his office went to another, so when Yahshua ascended alive into heaven, His office, in the interim, went to another. During the breach, the Rod turned into the serpent. But, at the conclusion of the breach, that mantle has to go to the one to whom it belongs—the one who will fulfill the conclusion of the covenant with the many, receiving a double-portion anointing of the spirit of Elijah. Yah-shua must be made complete.
And to draw upon the truth from a recent posting, we see in Elizabeth—the mother of John the Baptist, who had the spirit of Elijah—affirming evidence regarding this covenant. “Elizabeth” means “God of the seven,” as well as “God of the covenant.” Who then births Elijah? This covenant of seven years that Yahweh made with the many. The promise of this covenant will indeed birth, bring forth, Elijah.
At the burning bush, it is quite interesting that Yahweh told Moses specifically to grasp the serpent by its tail, whereupon it turned back into the rod. Why did He have him to take up the serpent in that specific manner? Prophecy. The Hebrew word for “tail” means its end, the end of something. Such is the timing of the serpent, Satan, today. His 2,000 years, 2,000 swine, are at an end, and the office he has occupied and the authority he has had must now go back to the Rod, even to a man. Satan’s end is now.
Thus we see that the first sign that causes belief in relation to Tabernacles Pentecost, is the office of Yahshua going back to a man—the Elijah, who thereupon performs his works by the anointing provided in the covenant with the many.
The second sign that causes belief set forth at Sinai is the hand going into the bosom and coming out leprous, then going back into the bosom and coming out restored. When did the hand truly go into the bosom and come out leprous? During the same time the Rod turned into a serpent—at the outset of the church, even the outset of the first Remnant.
As addressed in The Great Tribulation, the abomination of desolation began just a few days after Yahshua had gone back to heaven. He had just ascended to heaven, the Rod thereby had turned into the serpent, and Satan took no time to effect the leprous works in the kingdom. The eleven apostles stood in the place of the Holy One and cast lots for Judas’ replacement. If Yahshua had wanted that done, He had forty days to accomplish it, but did not do so. The fact is, He had already stated to whom that office belonged, and it had already been filled—“Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and one of you is the devil?” (John 6:70). Just four days before Pentecost, the hand went into the bosom and came out leprous!
Let us note two important things here. First, you will notice that both of these signs took place essentially at the same time—in the brief days after Yahshua left, and just before Pentecost. It is quite significant that at the burning bush, these two signs were identified by Yahweh as two united signs that would cause belief, in contrast to the third that was classed as a separate sign. (This will be more evident when we examine this third sign.) Therefore, we see the true fulfillments of these two united signs beginning at the same time.
Also, even as we have noted that Sinai is Pentecost, is it not equally consistent that these two signs were initiated specifically in the remaining days in the forty-nine-day count to Pentecost? One of the reasons Yahshua had to leave on the fortieth day was so that these two signs could be initiated. The Rod had to change into the serpent, and the hand had to go into the bosom and come out leprous—and thus it took place!
Clearly, these two signs are identified with Pentecost—by virtue of their original testimonies at Sinai; and most importantly, by the fact that the initiation of their true fulfillments were both in the latter days of the count to Pentecost. And we should note that these two signs have been in the process of being fulfilled for 2,000 years. Satan has been the head of the church—both the first Remnant and, certainly, Christianity—and their works have increasingly evidenced its leprous state.
Prophetically, most importantly, what do hands speak of? Obviously, they speak of man’s works. As Psalm 90:17 equates, along with many like verses, “Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands.” From the outset, the works of the hands of kingdom men have been leprous—a mix of good and evil that makes them unclean. This is the leprosy that Yahshua prophetically pointed to by healing the lepers. In like regard, man’s leprous works need to be healed
We have noted that both of these signs were set forth and fully demonstrated at Pentecost Sinai. Thus, if both signs were initiated at the time of Pentecost, is it not incumbent that they must equally be completed at the time of Pentecost? Indeed so!
However, these two signs fittingly began at a leavened Passover Pentecost. Not only do we see the corruption of the church by the leprous works of kingdom man’s hands, but the Passover Pentecost leaven corrupted the kingdom. Just as Yahshua clearly stated, “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened” (Matthew 13:33).
Yet, as evidenced at Sinai, the consummating sign that reverses the curse has to be completed at a Pentecost as well. Can this then be a Passover Pentecost? Clearly not! A leavened Passover Pentecost is what started the problem. No, as we have addressed in The Revelation of the Millennium, beginning in page 3, there had to be a flip in Yahweh’s calendar, making Tabernacles the beginning of the year and not Passover. This we set forth in 2008. Likewise, Tabernacles had to receive a body in order to give it life (Trumpets, 2005, page 4). A Pentecost had to be added, which we, the Bride, have also done.
Therefore, the Pentecost that will bring MUCH needed closure to these two signs that cause belief, will not and cannot be a Passover Pentecost, but a new-beginning Tabernacles Pentecost. On April 3, we will celebrate that Pentecost. We hope, and it should take place, that as we approach this feast, the serpent will now turn back into the Rod—Yahshua’s office will go back to a man, Elijah—and the leprous hand will go back into the bosom and come out restored—kingdom man, specifically the Bride, will cease from performing unclean leprous works! These two signs will begin the belief needed in order to build and establish the Bride, and prepare the way for Immanuel.
What will this mean for us? It will mean that a man will walk in the authority of Yahshua, fulfilling the, what should be, double portion of His authority and works—the anointing. And it will mean that no longer will our works be unclean.
For 2,000 years, kingdom man’s works have been leprous, and therefore unclean. It is wonderful to consider that the works that we can now perform will be clean before Yahweh God. Of course, this means that they will now be effectually and distinctly different from what has been performed in the last 2,000 years. Both their appearance and their power will be different. What specifically they will be, we will have to wait and see. But, they will be as different as the appearance of a leprous hand and one that is normal.
And let us note here a like testimony. Thomas the twin declared that he would not believe Yahshua’s resurrection until he had placed his finger in His hand and his hand in His side. Granted, this is the side and not the bosom, but once again we see the testimony of needing a distinctly similar sign to cause belief. Yahshua later told Thomas, “ ‘Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing.’ Thomas answered and said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ ” (John 20:27-28). As evidenced here, this is precisely what we need now—attesting signs by men’s hands that cause belief.
Evidenced by what we are seeing, Yahweh will indeed perform these signs, even as He did so in fulfilling the latter three and a half years of the covenant with the many. As Yahshua declared, so we must have today: “Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves.” I am exceedingly aware that without attesting signs and miracles, people will not believe the radical and entirely different message of the Bride. Yahshua then immediately added the very thing we have been noting regarding the Elijah-Elisha double portion: “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:11-13). So may it be.
These are the signs and wonders that were evidenced, as it is specifically stated, “at the hands of the apostles.” Their works were so powerful that the people dared not associate with them. Of course this was also right after Ananias and Sapphira had fallen down dead at Peter’s word. The people would not associate with them, but it says they “held them in high esteem” (Acts 5:12-13). This is what we have to have evidenced today—powerful attesting signs and wonders. “That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.” So may it be.
Let us now consider the third sign that causes belief. In Exodus 4:8-9, after Yahweh performed the first two signs, He then said to Moses:
“If they will not believe you or heed the witness of the first sign, they will believe the witness of the last sign. But if they will not believe even these two signs or heed what you say, then you shall take some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground; and the water which you take from the Nile will become blood on the dry ground.”
As we have noted, the first two signs were united, Yahweh saying that they will believe by these two. However, He then went on to say that if they do not believe from them, then the third sign was to be performed.
Before we examine that third and final sign, let us address the dramatic difference between these three signs and those performed before Pharaoh. We read in Exodus 4:29-31 that Moses went before the elders of the sons of Israel, performed these signs (we do not know if there were two or three performed), and they believed. “And when they heard that Yahweh was concerned about the sons of Israel and that He had seen their affliction, then they bowed low and worshiped.”
However, when Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh, those signs were distinctly different. We cannot address all the differences, but we will touch on just a few. Otherwise, you can examine them for yourself.
The first sign that Moses performed before Pharaoh was indeed the rod turning into the serpent. However, Yahweh’s last words to him at the burning bush were, “You shall take in your hand this staff, with which you shall perform the signs” (Exodus 4:17). Was Moses staff/rod used to perform the first sign before Pharaoh? No, it was Aaron’s staff—Exodus 7:8-10. Also, it is not reported that the serpent turned back into the staff.
So what was the second sign that was performed? Was it the testimony of the hand in the bosom, the sign that Yahweh said would cause belief? Not at all. In fact, that second sign was never performed before Pharaoh. What then was the second sign? It was a modification of the third sign at Sinai. There, Yahweh had told Moses to take some water from the Nile, pour it on the dry ground, and it would become blood. What then was the second sign to Pharaoh? Aaron struck the Nile with his staff and the entire Nile became blood, as well as all the other rivers.
In all, there were ten signs performed before Pharaoh, not just three. In the end, he did indeed let the sons of Israel go. But did those signs cause belief? Not really. Pharaoh then pursued them, and his army was destroyed in the Sea of Reeds. So what does all of this mean?
In the writing, The Great Tribulation, we see that wrath has been carried out against the church for 2,000 years. If the three signs performed at Sinai are to cause belief, particularly for the Bride at this time, then what has been the purpose of the ten signs, and to whom or what do they apply? We have already noted that Egypt is Christianity, and the fact is that these signs have been performed in it for 2,000 years. They are equal to the plagues in the book of Revelation—both pertaining to the affliction of the kingdom. Again, read The Great Tribulation.
What has taken place in the church for 2,000 years? Like the water turning to blood, there has been wrath, affliction, corruption, and death—the same things Yahshua attested to at the hands of the Romans. This is in clear contrast to the signs performed at Sinai, including this third. As we have seen, in Egypt the Nile turning to blood was wrath and spoke of death. This we noted in the May, 2000, writing, The Signs That Cause Belief. So is this what we can expect at this time for the third sign performed at Sinai? Not at all. It can no more be wrath than the consummation of the first two signs are fulfilled in wrath.
Let us reassess the first two signs in context with today. What must take place at this time? The office of Yahshua must return to a man, Elijah, and he and the Elijah company, the Bride, must perform works that are no longer leprous. What therein is the outcome? The Bride makes herself ready, ascends alive to heaven, and all in all prepares the way for the coming of Immanuel, God with us.
Will everyone on the earth believe with these two signs, even with attesting signs and wonders in a double portion? Undoubtedly not. The first two signs that cause belief will indeed be sufficient for establishing and preparing the Bride. So what about the others, and what about the third sign? When else in the Scriptures, specifically in the New Testament, was water turned to blood? In the first miracle Yahshua performed in kingdom John. At the wedding at Cana, six stone waterpots used for purification were filled with water, and Yahshua turned the water into wine. Metaphorically, wine and blood are the same. Therefore, Yahshua turned the water into blood!
When then would this third sign that causes belief take place? Clearly, as evidenced, at the marriage of the Lamb—when the Bride ascends to heaven to be united with the Lamb and returns. Therefore, though there will be many who, with these first two signs, will not believe concerning the establishment and the message of the Elijah Bride; as Yahweh declared, they WILL believe with this third sign when the new wine will be poured out on this earth. The water will be poured out on the dry ground and become wine/blood, and as promised, all will then believe.
Remember, Yahshua turning the water into wine was the very first sign performed in kingdom John, being entirely unique from the other Gospels. Also, John is equally unique in that He then cleansed the temple of the money changers, adding additional evidence regarding the water being turned into wine. This cleansing He will perform when He returns.
One final word concerning all of this. When Moses saw the burning bush at Sinai—again, attesting to Pentecost—as he approached it, Yahweh told him, “Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.”
Let it clearly be stated that what has been written here can NEVER take place unless Yahweh takes full responsibility to perform it. This is what taking off one’s sandals attests to. It is the same as when Abraham was circumcised, and thereupon Isaac, the promised offspring, was born. No man can perform these works unless it is by Yahweh. This obviously took place at Pentecost with the first Remnant, and will take place with the second Remnant as well. So let it be that we have our sandals off as Tabernacles Pentecost approaches.
By Yahweh God or not at all.